Directed by William Watson "Haka and Guitars," which screened at the 2017 Cannes Film Festival, heads to Te Aroha, New Zealand on Oct. 29th for the Arohanui Film Fest.
Directed by William Watson “Haka and Guitars,” which screened at the 2017 Cannes Film Festival, heads to Te Aroha, New Zealand on Oct. 29th for the Arohanui Film Fest.
During the Pacific’s most bloody Civil War, the New Zealand Army found a way to achieve peace without guns and violence. Through the powerful influence of women and multiculturalism “Haka and Guitars” shows the world there is a way to achieve peace in our time. Fiona Cassidy (NgatiKuri, Te Aupouri, Te Rarawa) – a former Major in the New Zealand Army – returns to Bougainville to reflect on ‘Operation Belisi,’ modern history’s most successful peacekeeping mission.